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Writer's pictureAdri Woltenholme

Thirty & some change.

Thirty. Reminds me somewhat of the feeling you'd get when unexpectantly hear your name being called over the school intercom & you're requested to go to the principal's office. And the terrifying thoughts as you walk toward this office as to why and how did I even get here.

Perhaps too melodramatic...

How ever I try to word this, it will never be the same experience for everyone. Everyone is different and everyone has different experiences overall. Some of us don't bother with birthday celebrations and some do. Each to their own.

Since, it has been a while since I have written. I felt lead to share a few things I have learnt and am learning.

  • Choosing Jesus and choosing to live for Him.

This as by far been the best decision I have made. Now, I'd like to be transparent, I have chosen Jesus before as a young child, as a teen even. I lost my way multiple times. However, I can say this was surety that Jesus never turns His back towards His. This time for me, by His grace I'm sticking this through and through.

  • It is okay to say No.

Really, it is liberating. Start small. I get it, a simple 'no thank you' can have you overthink about how ungrateful you must sound. Or when 'no, I don't feel like going today' could have you feeling like you not even considering the other person's feelings. Well, no babe, you need to consider and respect your own boundaries before you can expect anybody else to do the same for you.

  • Some friendships are lasting vs Some friendships are seasonal.

Previously seen this quote on some social media platform, credit to anon for now. It reads something along the lines of; Some relationships are for a reason and some for a season. I don't really vibe with it because all relationships have a reason, some we don't understand immediately but this too is revealed. However, not all friendships are meant to last. Even so, cherish each and every one of them. Each one of them shapes your character some way or another.

  • Forgiveness is a forever thing.

Every day, every moment of our lives, we are tested and so every day we ought to walk with forgiveness. Just like our faith, it's an everyday work. We could say the same about forgiveness. You need to forgive your past, you need to forgive the person you were, you need to forgive yourself for the poor decisions you made. All that said, you need to forgive those you hurt in the process of life, whether intentional or not. Additionally, you need to forgive your parents, your past/current friends and even partners. Man, even the cashier with stinky attitude who didn't even greet you back when you said hello. Perhaps, she did not hear you...

  • Change is good: Growth is necessary. (uncomfortable)

We tend to not like change because it gets really uncomfortable and, in a way, very risky. However, we need to grow. How are we going to be the people God created when we don't allow Him to plant us and refine us. Being uncomfortable and allowing yourself to be challenged is like getting to know a part of you that has always been hidden. How sad, it would be if we don't dig deeper within, and we remain shallow beings. The aim should always be to better than you were yesterday. The best comparison is you now vs you then. Bloom, babe.

  • Mistakes are not so bad after all.

Somewhere I heard, it said that making a mistake is like failing forward. It is like saying you fail so much that you know what NOT to do. Now, that knowledge is true power in comparison to just knowing all the right things. I believe it is beneficial to know the 'how many ways to fail', of course depending on your circumstances and tolerance and endurance. To know this, you're ultimately equipped to encourage another person to keep going and with a powerful testimony too!

  • Time is valuable.

You've heard this before. Sometimes, we hear something so much that we don't pay attention to the importance of what is actually being said. Be present in everything you do and if it doesn't have to wait till tomorrow do it now. More importantly, stay in God's presence, Matthew 6:33.

  • Not everyone likes you, and that's okay.

You weren't made to be liked by everyone; you are not cash. I know that's shallow, but on the real everyone likes some cash, I don't even mean that in an arrogant way, but we got bills to pay in this natural realm. Anyway, the point is you're different because you were made different. Look at yourself as scent of your favorite perfume, everyone has their own liking (thanks to Suz for this perspective). Besides, when you love Jesus, you certainly won't be liked. never mind being loved!

  • It is okay to ask for help.

As a girl who considers Jesus my friend, & Holy Spirit my guide. I still at times find myself saying 'I got this' / 'made it till here on my own' / 'nobody got me like me'. I truly hate when I get like this and always realize this after the fact. After hurting someone with my words/actions of pride. The Lord truly convicts me almost immediately and when I seek forgiveness, I have to admit that I am feeling the pressure. All this can be avoided, by just asking for help.

  • Social media is not a necessity.

Social media is just a highlight reel of your actual life. Look, have social media but remember life needs to be lived.

  • Quality supersedes everything.

Quality relationships, platonic or romantic. Quality conversations, quality music. quality, quality. You deserve quality. You deserve to be treated like quality and for you to treat others alike. For instance, you don't have to have all the shoes in the world, a few quality pieces are in order. Better yet, you don't have to have a major group of friends, one, two or three (or more) of quality is so much better.

  • Some battles aren't even battles.

Some things you really need to let go of. That work colleague may not like you much but what does that have to do with you if you have done everything you could to be a decent human. In everything you do, be a decent human and please do not engage in wars that was never meant for you. Seek the Lord Jesus, through prayer and seek clarity. Let go and Let God. Exodus 14:14

  • It is okay to not have it figured out.

I thank the Lord Jesus for this. Completely thankful that I am not the author of my life. I really thought I was you know. If I truly was, I would certainly not have made it this far. Realistically, sometimes we tend have moments of mega stress when things are just not coming together. I know it is easier said than done but you really need to trust God. He knows exactly what is going in your life, in your mind and in your head. In the moment of mega stress, speak to Him, seek Him and challenge yourself to praise Him in the unknown. Worship Him with thanksgiving because He does have it worked out, we just have not seen it yet. Remember Paul & Silas

  • It is okay to be vulnerable at times.

We all aim to be tough. I grew up thinking I should not allow anyone to see my true feelings because it felt better to be rude and arrogant and mean faced. I was only kidding myself, cause my pillow was wet with tears quite often. I learnt how to soak my emotions instead. As time went on, still now. I am learning the importance of being vulnerable. It is a big OKAY to show emotions. We need to learn how to maturely express ourselves, but we can only do so once we allow ourselves. Be patient with yourself. The heart can deceive.

  • Like a nose, everyone has an opinion.

Even me. This blog is made up of my opinion. You too, have your own opinion. How you express that is your concern. When you do express it, I think it is important to ask yourself 'can this encourage someone' / 'is this helpful' / 'what is my motive'. Older people, always say if you having nothing nice to say, its best to be quiet. My response to that is; the world should then be less noisy, you know. The point is; whether are not you are asked there has been an opinion formed. Either you let it bother you or you move forward with that knowing.

  • True friends are honest, supportive, cry with you, build with you, celebrate with you.

Oh man. We all know this. I pray that whoever you are that is reading this - that you are blessed with people who love Jesus and because in this way you will know the true love of God and better yet, you will experience this. In Jesus might name, Amen.

  • Some days just suck.

Some days are better than others. And thats okay. Just do not stay in your puddle of sadness. Praise and worship the One who holds you close to His heart and rest in knowing that His Spirits comforts the brokenhearted. For His Joy comes in the morning and He will bless you with His unexplainable peace (if only you seek Him)!

  • Never underestimate you.

You are created by our Mighty Heavenly Father, surely you weren't made to be mediocre. Everything about Jesus is the very opposite. Once you are in Christ, as He is in the Father - can you even begin to imagine what the Lord can do through you and in you. You are more than enough, don't sell yourself short - You are literally to die for!

  • Live to impress no one, but God (not even you)

We should not even live to impress ourselves. Everything you do, should be done in aim to seek God's approval. I know its hard but we have try. We have to attempt to ask when making a decision 'how does this serve God' / 'how does this glorify the Lord Jesus'. I know sometimes we tend to forget but I know that if we try hard enough, and actually discipline ourselves then it will be like second nature.

  • Be teachable.

As we grow, its tempting to think you know 'everything'. Well, we dont, a few years ago, I was showing my aunt how to load airtime on her burgandy Motorolo V360. Lol, now I am considered an aunt and being taught a few things! Stay open to learn friend.

  • Family is important.

No matter what, they are important. Family is known to be your first critics, even your first bullies one could say. However, when things are good, they soooooooooooo good. Sunday lunch and a nap kinda good! You will lose some friends, but family is forever, don't ever let go of them and always love them and always pray for them.

  • Watch yourself, you don't know who is watching you. (influence)

Lastly, remember in everything you do, you are being influenced and so you are also influencing another. You never know what kid looks at you thinking the world of you. Also, sometimes you are the closest someone will come to opening the Bible.

Lets be courteous, kind, honest and aim to walk this life just as Jesus did. Perfect we are not and perfect we will never be. Perfect is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

May this bless you.

I love you and more importantly; Jesus loves you.

ps. you are a blessing.

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