Sometimes the very thing you could be holding onto, is what may be hurting you.
I used to subscribe to a lot of phrases that I later found out was just hurtful and sometimes hateful either to God, myself or both.
Well known phrase: 'just hold on, God would not allow the hurt if there was not something great in the end' - look suffering in Christ is real.
There is a difference between God given suffering for the purpose of refinement and then there is man-made suffering due to fleshly desires.
As this year comes to close, I believe it is important that as an individual you need to evaluate what you are holding onto that is not from God. Because sometimes the very thing you hold onto, hurts the most. Such as a toxic relationship whether it be romantic or platonic - God wants you to let go of this.
We cannot step into something new and healthy without leaving the old & moldy behind. We expect God to take us to green pastures but then we don't let go of the vinegar in our hand.
By the grace of God, I have been delivered from the spirit of 'people pleasing' (hallejuah!).
He allowed me to see that the suffering I was going through was not from Him but merely because I wanted something to work which clearly was not the case but yet I still held on.
💔I held on to romantic relationships, which were not grounded in love but rather lust.
💔I held onto friendships, that had no concern for my actual well-being whatsoever.
💔I held onto friendships that were self-serving, vice versa.
💔I held onto friendships, that were shallow and good for pictures only.
💔I held onto work relationships that had no growth.
💔I held onto work relationships that were based on unfulfilled promises.
💔I held onto family relationships that were self-serving.
💔I held onto many relationships to escape loneliness, to be wanted even if it was not sincere, just to belong to something even if it meant conforming.
❤But then I met, Jesus.
God saved me and through Jesus Christ, I learnt that what I wanted was far from what He had in store for me.
I had to learn the hard way, like many others that giving my life to Christ would not be easy. But that it would be worth it - Suffering in the name of Jesus Christ is definite.
It was amazing for me learn that all God's children suffered in the Bible, so what makes me different. Even Jesus suffered, so really, who do you and I think we are.
In Acts 9:16, God told Ananias that He will show Paul (Saul at the time) how much he must suffer in His name. I mean Paul's ministry did not even start yet!
The difference is that when suffering in God trough Jesus Christ, we have a joy and a peace that no person or thing can explain or even attempt to take away. And most of all, the Holy Spirit provides discernment and guidance of what to let go off and what to remove ourselves from. All in all, abiding in Him bring us closer in relationship with the
One Who deems us worthy, not because of what we can do for Him but because of Who He is.
Faithful, loving heavenly Father.
Trust the process; God will show His glory with the relationships Has designated for you. Godly relationships. 🤍
You'll end up wanting to suffer in Christ! 🤍
crazy but true.