The temple in this context is your body.
1 Corinthians 5:19- 'Do you not know that your bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, whom you have received from God?'
Reading 1 Corinthians chapter 6 from verse 2 onward, makes me think toward the book of Romans chapter 12. In the start of the chapter, we are made aware that our bodies ought to be a living sacrifice unto God. This means everything we do, eat or drink should be to glorify God. This also means, to sacrifice our flesh daily, not partaking in things of this world, in this case sexual immorality.
God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit lives within me and you. Literally the Spirit of our heavenly Father - just to think about it seems awesome, however, this is our reality, and this is an awesome reality indeed. It does come with its terms though. We have been bought at a price - a price Jesus paid in full. This cost is not only spiritual but natural too. Hence, with our bodies we are to honor our heavenly Father with it.
Being able to commit acts of sexual immorality just because we can and because we merely want to, do not make it beneficial. In addition, like many other forms of sin, at some point you may think as long as you make the choice to pursue it you will have control over it. However, I am sure many of us has learnt that that simply is not the case. Eventually, that which you pursued takes over your entire being and you can't withstand the temptation, addiction is inevitable.
We have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ. This liberty is not license to sin. Freedom does not give any of us the license to do the wrong thing.
Some of us, (I too was guilty of this at some point) believe that we can compare 'in reason' that the sexual appetite is basically the same as when we are hungry and need to eat to appease that appetite. Just like Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 6 verse 13. In no way can we compare the two because in no way are they the same.
Think about it in this way, in a marriage that God has ordained & blessed. Husband & wife will essentially become one flesh being able to share in the intimacy just as God created. Whereas outside of marriage no matter if you are having sex with one or many persons, this is deemed as 'casual sex' and is immoral. So how can we even compare satisfying our hunger which is not something we can control really whereas with self-control sexual immorality can be fled from. I mean seriously, we don't starve ourselves because of self-control and then once married we eat a feast every day.
It is a shame, because in my carnal mind I thought it had made sense but that is lie that many still believe. But, by the grace of God, through His Word He teaches us that our bodies are not for sexual immorality but rather our bodies are for the Lord & the Lord for our body.
Within the Body of Christ, each of us & our individual bodies form part of the whole Body as its members. So, it is important that we are aware of what and who we unite our bodies with. When we sin, we 're essentially polluting the whole body. Just as when you stub your baby toe into the couch, your whole body feels that pungent pain stinging right through every single nerve in your body.
Look 'casual' sex is not biblical, anything related to sex outside the covenant of marriage is definitely sexual immorality. Sex is not sin - sexual immorality is sin.
Reader, I would like to share with you, that I myself have been guilty of this. I was a teenager when I became a mom. I gave myself away in relationships that were purely based on physical intimacy. Pure lust. I lost myself and thought nothing of who I was but rather of what it is I could give physically. I did not care whether I was actually loved or even liked, I just wanted to be wanted. I thought I was in control and maybe I was, in control of my downfall yes. The hardest part now is fleeing from sexual temptation. When you're single focusing on the Lord Jesus it is hard yes but being in a relationship, not being married yet. This is a test like no other. But I know it will be worth it, I just know. Because God is good.
Sexual immorality is driven by lustful passions. And lustful passions are driven by the desire for love, acceptance and adventure. This can be attained in the right way. The way God intends - through a friendship & relationship with Christ Jesus, when united in Spirit. Most certainly, will you experience His love, His acceptance and 100% adventure as your journey with Him.
So, here's the key; 1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
Joseph fled. Flee is to run. Flee is not to stand and be brave. Just like any sin and its temptation - it should never be underestimated. Never!
It all comes to this; our bodies belong to God. He has bought us at a price, a price we did not have to pay, a price our Lord & Saviour, Christ Jesus, paid in full for us. He saved & delivered us from an eternity of shame and death. We owe ourselves to God.
This body He chooses to live in as I live in Him, this body is His temple. It is then my job to not pollute His very temple.
Yes, it may be hard at times to keep going but one thing I know is that I can do all things through Christ Jesus Who strengthens me. Amen.
Believe it's fair to say, God has made you the housekeeper of His House.