God has shown me that with Him there is nothing more and nothing less, and it is what it is and there is more to come, be ready, type Father.
I have enjoyed this challenge of journaling via this blog and I truly hope that it has been helpful and encourages you to journal too.
What I have learnt in this 30 days, some new things and most reminded of.
Get off social media, take breaks, focus solely on Jesus without posting any revelations. Here’s peace here.
Praise while you wait, God is always busy doing something.
Yes plan for your life, but submit your plans to God, He does know what’s best.
Challenge yourself to be better than you were, with the guidance of Holy Spirit. He knows you better than you know you.
When you pray for things, best be believe that if it’s in God’s will, it will be so.
Always give God thanks.
The quiet secret place with Jesus, is necessary.
God, takes priority.
Read your Bible, you need to know the truth to share the truth.
Stay prayerful.
Thanks be to Go, our Father for His grace, mercy and abounding goodness. May He show His face toward you and bring you peace.
May you know how special you are to Jesus.